Best Quotes about life in urdu are a way to describe anyone about your feelings, event or incidents that happens in your daily life. As we know that life is much difficult to survive in some situation you are too happy and you are sad about your life. Sad Quotes about life or Quotes about life are a way to express any situation to others.
“Be Okay with giving the gift of You Absence to those
who do not appreciate and respect your presence”

"The way i see it if you want the rainbow, you gotta put with the rain"
"If you don't like the road you’re walking, start paving another one"
"The Best time for new beginnings is now"
Eventually you'll end up where you need to be, with who you're meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing.
Patience is the key
How beautiful it is to find someone who ask for nothing but your company
Rise above the storm You will find Sunshine
Life can be Understood backward but it must be lived forward
Dream as you will live forever,live as you will die today
If there is a book that you want to read but it has not been written yet, then you must write it
Sometime the heart see what is invisible to the eye
If you want to fly You have to give up the thing that weight you down